For assistance in selecting the most suitable workbooks for your child’s educational needs, please utilize our

Topic-related math worksheets for Grade 1 (age 6+)

These topic targeted worksheets are extremely helpful in addition to the main series “Quick Counting”.

You can use them together with any part of the “Quick Counting” series or separately to improve the child’s skills in the chosen topic.

Also, these targeted worksheets are helpful for repeating and consolidating acquired skills after the child finishes the main book series and prepare them for the smooth transition to the next level.

With our notebooks “Quick Counting: Numbers Under 100” you can effectively and efficiently teach your children to add and subtract.

Math Country

Quick counting (6+ y.o.)

The importance of mathematics in the life of every person is difficult to overestimate, and that is why mathematics goes through the entire school course, from preschool to high school.
Mathematics, as an academic subject, contains all the necessary prerequisites for the development of children’s cognitive abilities, forms and improves such forms of thinking as comparison, analysis, and synthesis, develops the ability to generalize and specify, creates conditions for correction of memory, attention and other important mental functions.

All these skills do not appear by themselves, you have to introduce these skills to children and make sure they have enough practice. To help you with that we created Math Country workbooks.

At the age of 6 children are actively developing their physical and cognitive abilities and practicing social behavior while communicating with their peers. The game remains the main tool of understanding the surrounding world, although its forms and content are changing. That is why we want to introduce you to our series of workbooks “Quick counting”, which we created considering the psychological characteristics of children of this age.

Using our workbooks children will learn to:

  • understand the meaning of the arithmetic operations addition and subtraction, reflect it on diagrams and in mathematical records using action signs and the equality sign;
  • perform addition and subtraction using the general method of addition (subtraction) in parts; perform addition using the commutative property of addition;
  • perform subtraction using knowledge of the composition of two term numbers and the relationship between addition and subtraction;
  • perform addition and subtraction with regrouping within 100;
  • recognize a sequence of numbers compiled according to a given rule, establish a rule according to which a given sequence of numbers is composed (increase or decrease a number by several units within 100), and continue the sequence;
  • carry out the classification of numbers according to a given or independently established attribute;
  • skip-count by 10, 5, 2;
  • generalize and extend the properties of whole numbers to numbers greater than 100.
  • name the numbers and the result during addition and subtraction, find the value of the unknown component in addition and subtraction equations;
  • check and correct the answer if needed.

Our workbooks contain a lot of word problems, so the child will learn to: 

  • solve 1 step problems, including practical problems;
  • establish a connection between the data presented in the problem and the desired one, reflect it on the models, select and explain the arithmetic operation that are needed for solving the problem;
  • make their own problem using the given data;
  • find different ways to solve the problem and choose the best solution;
  • find how the solution would change if data changes;
  • solve 2 step problems;
  • check and correct (if needed) the solution of the problem;

Although, there are new sections appear in workbooks for 6 years old such as “Shares and fractions”, “Preparation for Multiplication tables”. The workbooks provide rich visual-figurative material on these topics. By completing various tasks, children will easily learn:

• write down, name, and compare shares and fractions;

• determine the number of repeating groups and the number of elements in each group;

• find the number of repetitions and write the solution as a multiplication of corresponding numbers.

The notebooks wonderfully present such an important section “Spatial relations and geometric figures”

Using our workbooks, your child will easily learn to:

  • understand the meaning of words (left, right, top, bottom, etc.) that describe the position of an object on a plane and in space, follow the instructions describing the position of an object on a plane;
  • describe the mutual arrangement of objects on the plane and in space: left, right, above, below, before, behind, between, etc.;
  • find objects and parts of objects in the surrounding world that have the shape of a polygon (triangle, quadrangle, etc.), or a circle;
  • recognize, name, and depict geometric shapes (point, line, polygon, circle);
  • find similarities and differences between geometric shapes;
  • analyze complex figures (number of sides and angles);
  • measure with a ruler and record the length of an object or a segment;
  • choose the correct measurement units;
  • correlate and compare values ​​of a quantity, for example arranging length values in a descending or ascending order;

In addition, the workbooks contain problems that develop skills which help to work with all kind of information. As a result, your child will learn to:

  • read and analyze tables and diagrams;
  • determine the correct logical statements in relation to a particular picture;
  • determine the rule for compiling simple tables and supplement them with missing elements;
  • conduct logical reasoning, establish relationships between objects, and formulate conclusions.

We include a section “Money” in all parts of this series.

Math Workbooks for 1st graders (age 6+)

This set of workbooks is excellent instructional material for 1st-grade math lesson plans. We have already organized all the problems and exercises into lessons with the following homework.

Classical series of workbooks in five parts.

Overall, the “Quick Counting” workbooks provide an excellent resource for educators and parents who want to guide children through a structured and proven math curriculum step-by-step.

For educators and parents who prefer a more traditional approach to teaching math, the “Quick Counting” workbooks offer a comprehensive curriculum designed specifically for 6-year-olds. The series covers all essential counting topics at this age level, with each workbook divided into individual lessons accompanied by corresponding homework assignments.

The workbooks are structured to gradually increase in difficulty, starting with the most basic concepts and building upon them as the child progresses. This approach allows children to develop their counting skills incrementally without feeling overwhelmed or frustrated by overly complex material.

Our workbooks

At the age of 6, children are already familiar with the concept of “Money”, types of coins and their denomination. In our workbooks we pay special attention to performing arithmetic operations with money and solving money related problems. Using our workbooks children can easily perform various operations with money (addition, subtraction), and compare amounts of money represented by various combinations of bills and coins.

Quick counting

Workbooks for 6+ years old “Quick counting”

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5
