Math Country Team

Hello there

Our greetings to all of you, parents, grandparents, and everyone to whom this topic is close and interesting!

Let’s get acquainted. We (Oksana Siniukov and Marina Kuznetsova) are The Math Country team. We are practicing mathematicians with more than 35 years of teaching experience and the authors of unique methods of education for children.

Our main goal is to accelerate children’s learning of mathematics, logic, and intellectual abilities by using mental arithmetic and mathematics.

Why Math country

We have developed a unique study program for children that improves their math skills and contributes to their overall development.

Our program is approved by the U.S. Department of Education and adopted by several schools across the USA.

  • More than 35 years of teaching experience
  • Success of our program confirmed by students in numerous countries

  • Program helps to expand the boundaries of children’s thinking

Who we are

We deeply respect your ability to form your own opinion. While we cannot fully share our vast experience and knowledge with you in this brief article, we trust that you will recognize our dedication and expertise in mathematics education.

Oksana Siniukov, a doctor of pedagogical sciences and a mathematics professor, has left an indelible mark on mathematics education. Her authorship of over 500 scientific and methodological works and the establishment of her scientific school are testament to her profound influence. Under her guidance, 27 scientists have successfully defended their candidates and doctoral dissertations. Her dedication of over 25 years to developing and implementing educational programs and technologies that enhance mathematics teaching and improve its quality is a testament to her unwavering commitment to the field.

Marina Kuznetsova is a mathematician and teacher with over 15 years of experience. She has developed and implemented her methodology for teaching mathematics, which has yielded remarkable learning results and attracted children and their parents worldwide.

Our workbooks

You can find workbooks for kids of any age ranging from 3 up to 15. Or you might be interested in workbooks focusing on logic development.
The main feature of our notebooks is the symbiosis of mental arithmetic and classical mathematics. In addition to solving math problems, children learn to use an abacus (or soroban) and get experience in quick mental counting. Therefore, each of our workbooks contains abacus training materials.

Letters of thanks