(5 customer reviews)


Addition, Subtraction, Comparing Numbers up to 20, Word problems, Skip-counting, Logic problems (Gifted and Talented), Mental Math with an Abacus

This workbook contains exercises that develop your child’s ability to add, subtract, compare, and order numbers up to 20 using a number line, understand the meaning of addition and subtraction, and train the ability to utilize it in everyday life.

Children learn different ways to make a number, solve simple problems using pictures, understand the relationship between the numbers, compare numbers, and increase / decrease a given number by one or two.

Although children learn to skip-count by 2s, 5s, and 10s, find the same and different objects, and solve word problems.

In addition, the workbook has many exercises that help improve children’s memory and logic abilities.

70 pages

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Math Workbook for Kindergartens “Learn to Count” Part 2

The Kindergarten Math Lessons Workbook, “Learn to Count, Part 2,” is a valuable resource for teachers and parents. It makes learning essential math concepts enjoyable for 5-year-olds. The workbook contains math lesson ideas for kindergarten while helping you effectively teach addition, subtraction, number comparison, and ordering.

Exercises start by training children to identify preceding and following numbers quickly. They learn to count in direct and reverse order and determine a number’s place in a series.

Each of the lessons covers a range of activities as:

  • mastering addition and subtraction,
  • counting within ten,
  • adjusting the number of objects,
  • solving one-step problems,
  • creating word problems,
  • reinforcing concepts of greater, less, and equal
  • order numbers on a number line,
  • skip count by 2s, 5s, 10s,
  • number bonds.

The workbook introduces various ways to represent numbers and identify object similarities and differences.

With 10 comprehensive lessons and additional homework exercises, this workbook ensures thorough understanding and retention.

Featuring engaging illustrations and stimulating tasks, it motivates positive learning and actively develops children’s logic, memory, attention, and intelligence. It’s a versatile tool suitable for both classroom and home learning.

Common Core Math Standards:

  • K.CC.1; K.CC.2; K.CC.3; K.CC.4; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.4c; K.CC.5; K.CC.6; K.CC.7;
  • K.OA.1; K.OA.2; K.OA.3; K.OA.4; K.OA.5;

70 pages

5 reviews for Math Kindergarten Workbook. Learn to Count. Part 2

  1. Elena K.

    My son goes go to preparatory classes for school, we study according to these workbooks. Everyone is happy. Recommended.

  2. Leah T.

    The tutorial is amazing. My child loves it. Thanks to the authors.

  3. Sofia M.

    I am deeply grateful to the authors for their excellent textbooks that bring up smart and thinking children.

  4. Ella L.

    A wonderful series of math books, we have been studying using it for 2 years now. Interesting, strong, unusual. We are very satisfied.

  5. Mia A.

    One of the best ways to master math: detailed explanations; tasks that help to consider topics from all sides; approaches that make it possible to understand the relationship of different concepts. Subsequently, this will help to navigate freely through any mathematical topics and deviate from the template formulations of tasks.
    I am an experienced teacher and highly recommend these books.

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