(2 customer reviews)


This workbook contains exercises that improve children’s multiplication and division skills, solve money, elapsed time, and word problems, write variable expressions, work with Integers, repeat place values, and rounding. Although the workbook has frequently fractions and decimals problems: convert improper fractions into mixed numbers and vice versa, add and subtract decimals, compare decimals, add and subtract unlike fractions, multiply fractions by whole numbers. The workbook contained a lot of problems to find a perimeter and an area of compound shapes, finding factors of a number, work with a ruler. In addition, some problems help to improve memory and logical thinking.

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Math Workbook for 4th Grade. Part 2

Mental counting; Abacus; Long division; Money, Time & Word problems; Integers; Factors of the number; Order of operations; Fractions, decimals, and mixed numbers; Area and perimeter; Variables; Measurements; Logic

A feature of our workbooks is the symbiosis of mental arithmetic and classical mathematics.

Mental arithmetic represents a UNIQUE method of teaching children that trains the speed of perception and processing of information and allows them to harmoniously develop both hemispheres of the brain at the same time by mentally visualizing the calculations on the abacus. A developed brain provides a basis for successful subsequent activities.

With the help of our workbook «Math + MA: Part 2» children repeat the techniques for fast mental counting, counting on the abacus, multiplying and dividing multi-digit numbers, including division with a remainder, solving words, money, and elapsed time problems. Children learn to work with fractions and decimals: convert improper fractions into mixed numbers, convert decimals into fractions or mixed numbers and vice versa, multiply fractions by whole numbers, compare decimals, add and subtract unlike fractions.

Plus, children learn Integers numbers, learn to operate with Integers: add, subtract, compare Integers, convert a number into its expanded form, repeat place values and rounding, repeat order of operations, work with measurements, find an area and a perimeter of compound shapes. In addition, students learn to find all factors of a number and write and solve variable expressions.

Our colorful workbook and the style of providing exercises allow children to acquire the material easily and hassle-free. The workbook contains many problems that create positive motivation for learning and actively develop the logic, memory, attention, and intelligence of children.

The material consists of 10 lessons and additional homework exercises (106 pages).

Key topics:

  • Mental counting
  • Counting on the abacus
  • Multiplication of multi-digit numbers
  • Long division of multi-digit numbers with and without remainder
  • Integers: positive and negative numbers
  • Add/subtract Integers
  • Compare Integers
  • An expanded form of a number
  • Place values
  • Rounding
  • Factors of the number
  • Order of operations
  • Add/subtract unlike fractions
  • Convert mixed numbers into decimals
  • Convert decimals into mixed numbers
  • Add/subtract decimals
  • Compare decimals
  • Measurements
  • Area of compound shapes
  • Perimeter of compound shapes
  • Variable expressions
  • Money problems
  • Elapsed time problems
  • Word problems
  • Memory & logic training

Previous Workbook: Math + MA. Part 1

Following Workbook: Math + MA. Part 3

2 reviews for Math workbook grade 4. Math + MA. Part 2

  1. Samantha

    Definitely the best workbook. Contains tasks of different levels of complexity, a good option for presenting material

  2. Maria

    I recommend it to everyone, the tasks are interesting and make you think

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