(5 customer reviews)


Addition, Subtraction, Comparing Numbers up to 20, Problems with Pictures, and Logic Problems (Gifted and Talented Program). Mental Math with an Abacus

This workbook contains exercises that develop your children’s ability to add, subtract, compare, and order numbers up to 10, count using a number line, understand the meaning of addition and subtraction, and train the ability to use it in everyday life.

Kids will learn the ways to make a number, solve simple problems using pictures, understand the relationship between the numbers, and be able to compare numbers up to 10.

In addition, the workbook has many exercises which help improve children’s memory and logic abilities.

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Math Workbook for Kindergartens “Learn to Count” Part 1

Explore engaging math activities for kindergarten in our workbook “Learn to Count. Part 1,” which focuses on teaching basic math, including addition and subtraction for kindergartens on a number line.

Our workbook seamlessly blends mental arithmetic and classical mathematics. This resource, designed especially for children ages 4-5, incorporates unique methods to enhance cognitive development, such as mental visualization on an abacus.

Our workbook goes beyond basic arithmetic by focusing on teaching addition and subtraction. Children learn to count within ten, manipulate quantities, and solve one-step problems using pictures.

The interactive exercises, perfect as math activities for kindergarten, also cover greater-less-equal concepts and reinforce abacus skills through three or more counting steps.

The key topics:

  • Addition and subtraction on a number line;
  • Order numbers on a number line;
  • Solving simple addition and subtraction problems with pictures;
  • Number bonds;
  • Counting on a number line;
  • Attention and logic development;
  • Fine motor skills development;
  • Math puzzles;
  • Compare groups of objects: more, less, and equal;
  • Recognizing and counting shapes;
  • Count by 2s.

Finally, our math workbook is ideal for both teachers and parents. There’s no need to search for addition and subtraction worksheets for kindergarten from various sources – we’ve done it for you! Everything required to start teaching is seamlessly presented in our workbook.

Engage young learners with practical, fun math activities!

Common Core Math Standards:

  • K.CC.1; K.CC.2; K.CC.3; K.CC.4; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.4c; K.CC.5; K.CC.6; K.CC.7;
  • K.OA.1; K.OA.2; K.OA.3; K.OA.4; K.OA.5;
  • K.G.1; K.G.2; K.G.3;

56 pages

5 reviews for Math Kindergarten Workbook. Learn to Count. Part 1

  1. Isabella T.

    These books are the best!!!!! My grandson was able to understand mathematics using them! THANKS A LOT!!!

  2. Emma T.

    I teach my daughter using these workbooks. I like it very much and recommend it to everyone.

  3. Olga B.

    There are a lot of interesting problems. Personally I like the problems on the topic “Money”.

  4. Lilia M.

    Excellent and interesting workbooks. The children are very enthusiastic about using them. I have twins, so everyone has their own workbook.

  5. Jane S.

    Excellent textbooks. Everything is logical, the tasks are clear, colorfully presented and the print quality is high. We really enjoy doing them.

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